KryonLube EXTRA Universal PAG AUTO Lubricant for R134a and R12434yf, additivated with fluorescent tracer (dye) - 1 litre metal canister

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KryonLube EXTRA Universal PAG AUTO Lubricant for R134a and R12434yf, additivated with fluorescent tracer (dye) - 1 litre metal canister

GeneralGas' experience in the world of refrigerant gases and a constantly evolving study of its laboratories have led to the creation of the new KryonLube line of lubricants.

The range includes the traditional PAG with viscosities ISO 46 and 100, suitable for R134a and R1234yf. In addition, a universal PAG has been developed by GeneralGas laboratories, which is suitable for refilling both ISO 46 and ISO 100 systems (both R-134a and R-1234yf).

The PAG lubricant can be supplied in conventional mode or already additivated with fluorescent tracer.

A specific POE is also available in the GeneralGas KryonLube range for application on BEV (electric) cars, for which it is preferable to use POE base lubricant, which provides greater electrical insulation.


  • Maintenance of lubrication performance throughout the operating life
  • High resistance to hydrolysis
  • Compatibility with systems and materials
  • Optimised solubility and miscibility for automotive systems
  • Enriched with additives for longer system life
  • Compatible with lubricants used by manufacturers
Cylinder/Container size 1 liter
Packaging Overall Dimensions 60 x 115 x H 200 mm.
Package weight 1.1 Kg.
Viscosity @ 40øC 68 cSt (ASTM D445)
Viscosity @ 100øC 12,9 cSt (ASTM D445)
Viscosity Index 192 (ASTM D2270)
Pour Point -42 °C (ASTM D97)
Density @ 20øC 0,92 Kg/m³ (ASTM D1298)
Flash point coc 215 °C (ASTM D92)
Acid Value < 0.02 mg KOH/G (ASTM D974)
Mosture Contents 40 ppm
Item number F-OL-KL-PAGUND-1L-1
Packaging 1-litre steel can, wrapped in cardboard box

Residential A/C - Reciprocating compressors
Residential A/C - Rotary compressors
Commercial Refrigeration - scroll compressors
Industrial Refrigeration - Reciprocating compressors
Industrial Refrigeration - Centrifugal compressors
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